Planinski krožek: Lubnik in Lubniška jama
V soboto, 11. decembra smo se Loški škrati s planinskim krožkom odpravili na Lubnik. Obiskali smo tudi Lubniško jamo. Za vodenje in vso pomoč se zahvaljujemo Irisu in Iztoku, vodnikoma PD Škofja Loka.
Fotografije si lahko ogledate tukaj.
(Skupno 186 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)
getaway shootout is a fun and fast-paced game that is perfect for a quick break. The goal of the game is to be the first one to reach the getaway spot while shooting your opponents
A very nice blog, I like the way you share very honestly and interestingly, through my blog I learned a lot of things.
This is such a great post! It’s the little things in life that mean the most and make up the larger moments in our lives!
Lubnica je čudovita turistična destinacija, ki čaka na raziskovanje. Pred nekaj leti smo z nekaterimi prijatelji odkrili ta kraj in moram reči, da je njegov prostor zelo lep, vedno ga želim obiskati.
Mental acuity and stress levels may both be improved via playing Traffic Rider games. Many options are available on Traffic Rider, and they are all compatible with Chromebooks. These options include sports, boxing, and puzzles.