Odštevanje dni pred zaključkom pouka
V petek, 23. 6., so imeli vsi 7. razredi tehniški dan na šoli. Učenci so imeli tri ure aktivnih delavnic, kjer so izdelovali rakete iz odpadnih plastenk in jih spuščali na šolskem igrišču. Spoznali so delovanje programa Google Sketchup, kjer so v računalniški učilnici risali hiše. Po delavnicah so si učenci ogledali film, ter tako uspešno zaključili predzadnji dan šole.
(Skupno 85 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)
Sounds like the students had an amazing day full of creativity and learning! Building rockets from recycled materials and launching them must have been so much fun, not to mention a great hands-on learning experience. The introduction to Google Sketchup is also fantastic – it’s a valuable tool for developing design and spatial skills. Ending the day with a film is the perfect way to relax and enjoy after such an engaging day of activities coreball. Kudos to the school for organizing such a diverse and enriching technical day for the students!